Druk Padma Karpo School provides quality education (CBSE affiliated) in an exceptional learning environment for girls and boys (aged four to sixteen years) living in the remote Himalayan region of Ladakh, North India. The school took its first intake in September 2001 and now has more than 880 students with up to 35% living on campus in purpose built accommodation.

The school draws from a wide catchment area within the Leh valley region and offers residential facilities to local families as well as children from remote areas for whom opportunity and life choices are often limited and quality education is unavailable.

Some of Druk Padma Karpo School’s students are first generation learners who now have the opportunity to study through to matriculation exams, at age sixteen, and then progress to higher education and even college or university. Through the delivery of a carefully tailored and relevant curriculum our students can make considered choices about their future and the lives and careers they wish to follow. They can also acquire expertise to bring back to family villages and, in the long term, help keep these communities alive.

An English medium school rooted in traditional Ladakhi Culture

Students are encouraged to excel in a broad range of academic subjects and to attain high standards in examinations enabling them, as Indian citizens, to engage fully in local and national opportunities. Alongside academic pursuits, the school also equips students with skills for life in Ladakh: students are encouraged to take part in co-curricular activities such as sports, chess, archery, and ‘culture days’ when students learn about and practise Ladakhi cooking, art, textiles, history and dance, helping to keep culture and traditions meaningful and alive.

The students are split into four houses: Courage, Harmony, Unity and Wisdom, the house flags are below:

House Flag Courage IMG 1691 crop   House Flag Harmony IMG 1690 crop   House flag Unity IMG 1689 crop  House Flag Wisdom IMG 1692 crop